
Each day I fall down more and more.

Sure, there's a reasonable chance the current administration won't end humanity in a nuclear holocaust, so what's everyone complaining about?

That was back when people had the most basic expectations of the American public.

This better not get in the way of The Good Place!

No, that makes her unelected.

For once people overestimated the intelligence of the American public. Never again.

You stay the hell away from Scarborough, Scarborough.

You just responded to a detailed thoughtful argument as to why your wrong with "I don't care! Fuck you!"

I think he turned himself back into a zombie, somehow, so he could survive being shot.

Yeah, a full rip of a SNES game is like 1-4 megabytes.

It's times like this when I wonder whether you're actually a gimmick account.

"From my point of view, the customers are evil."

The Twin Peaks revival is a critical disaster, it's a universally seen botch job that people seem to hate.

…and he's really good at programing computerized beats, which is a way music is made now?

Did you expect that to have a concrete, story explanation and not a metaphorical implication?

I guess he's not all bad.

And Rage was a light-gun shooter that was released early.

…you're getting a little hard to follow.

It's a self-fulling prophecy. Chuck is a grown man as well, if he thought Jimmy was irredeemable he could have just said so and cut ties. Instead he drew him close into his web and secretly sabotaged Jimmy every time he tried to improve.

He did selflessly take care of his sick brother for years despite getting literally no gratitude or appreciation in return. Even after he found out that his brother was secretly sabotaging him from the shadows.