Yep, that was my impression. Kinda half-ass for a “tell all” but what can you do?
Yep, that was my impression. Kinda half-ass for a “tell all” but what can you do?
Like when he invited some Scientologists and a few other celebrities like Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith
Oh man now I’m wishing for Chip’s Challenge and Jezzball.
EXACTLY. You know, REAL hunters. The ones who sit on their ass in a tree stand all day waiting for a deer to stroll by.
SOMEBODY has to step up now that John Bohner is gone.
I worked at a small café that served four things: soups, salads, smoothies, soft frozen yogurt, and gelato.
Wait, how did Boner smoke in his office when smoking is banned in Federal buildings?
If you pretend Scarlett is supposed to be a special needs child, the show makes more sense.
Rayna is the absolute worst part of the show, just so self-centered and awful. It boggles my mind that she’s supposed to be the protagonist and we’re to side with her, because she has not made a single unselfish move during all 4-5 seasons. It’s astounding.
There’s also a mission where you wear bulletproof bomb disposal suits, rob a corrupt cops bank, and wade through waves of cops, choppers, a chicken factory, etc with a minigun, laying waste to a small town. Youtube “the Paleto Bay Score.” It is amazing. You can’t cherry pick the worst aspect of a game as an example of…
Some people wear their dislike for the GTA series on their sleeves as a badge of honor. They mistakenly think it makes them superior, more serious or knowledgeable about games or whatever. They’re essentially the gamer version of hipsters, saying “oh I can’t stand (insert popular thing here).” Every story about GTA…
Like mom and dad, at a glance, can tell whether he’s playing online or story mode.
Sure. You’re the comment police, bravely traversing the Gawker universe, protecting us from nonconstructive comments. Behold, Comment Man, everybody!
Case in point
Defensive Japanophile replies in 3...2...
At East End Christian Academy, Daniel signed a strict contract stating, among other things, that he would not drink in public, that he would regularly attend their associated church, and that he would live a Christ-like lifestyle.
Turning 25 was a turning point for me, slap bang in the middle of my twenties. Teetering on the edge of being an old adolescent and a fully-fledged adult, I made the decision to go into becoming who I’m going to be forever without a removal van full of my old junk.
Religious people are fucking insane.