Is the “treatment” castration?
Is the “treatment” castration?
Or an addict. White guys love to hide behind drug and alcohol addiction when they end up doing something fucked up (see Mel Gibson). Funny, I’ve been drunk and high and never once did I get to urge to yell the N word or put my dick where it should not go.
What the hell kind of gym doesn’t let you in if you forget your membership card? Every gym I’ve ever belonged to has your picture on file and can look you up.
LOL come on now. The whole EDM scene itself is disgusting and has been ever since DJs decided they wanted to become rock stars instead of just being talented dudes who played other people’s music for people to dance to. PLUR is long past dead.
Jezebel’s trolling is just amazing here:
It’s a very rich property and we’re committed to treating it with a lot of class.
Fake pro wrestler Seth Rollins finished the match with the same injury. “Real” athlete rolls around crying.
LOL I had the 69th like
This is the exact situation right wing nutjobs never address when discussing their Rambo/Dirty Haryy/Liam Neeson hero fantasies.
On a related note: who sets the brightness just enough so the logo is visable? I always set it as bright as possible so I’ll get a tiny advantage. See the Dead Space games.
+10 (commandments)
And then when the 18 year old doesn’t pan out to be good enough to play in the NFL, after 4 years of trying, he can use his lack of a college degree to become a cheerleader and make $300 a season!
The main character in David Wellington’s vampire series that starts with “13 Bullets” is a lesbian and not of the male gaze variety. IIRC she has a relationship with a woman but there’s nothing tittilating about it, it’s just kinda there.
Twickenham Stadium
Can someone explain to me how remixing a song and putting it on your SoundCloud page, not for sale and not for download, just for people to listen to and enjoy, violates copyright? How is the record label that owns the original being hurt in this scenario?