
WTF Gallery view you trying to get more hits or something.

I was disappointed that the Mario collection was a straight up port of the of Mario All-Stars from the SNES they couldve put a little effort into it. Im still going to buy it but i'm holding off till its around $20.

Ive told myself im not going to get the 3DS despite my undying love of Ocarina and how much i play my DS Lite but if this was in fact real i would have a very hard time sticking to that decision.

Oh hell yes a real Kirby game for the Wii!

@Drogmir: You dont think including the DLC for FREE is an improvement?

Buying from gamestop is a horrible, horrible thing to do which is why i buy my used games (usually games you can no longer get new) on ebay.

Double post glitch WTF Gawker

@Static Jak: You just know though that they will screw over the cover art if it does get localized.

Way too clean but that was really great, much better than i expected from the trailer. I loved the gouls "Free stuff!" attitude As i loot everything off the bodys when i play, even the useless stuff cause its worth at least a cap or two somewhere :)

@diagorus: If you have an Nvidia videocard forcing tripple buffered Vsync for the game in the nvidia control panel will fix the mouse issues but i have to fully agree on the awful port part. Great game but a bad port, still playable though once i got the mouse issues sorted.

@Kazutoyo: Random encounters are one thing that have bothered me about RPGs for some time now its like I'm being punished for taking my time and exploring. I loved the system Chrono Trigger used, some battles could be avoided if you could sneak past the monsters while but other times battles had to be fought but i

@Nick Gold: 1.0 is very similar from the series sometimes even being a shot for shot remake but 2.0 diverges from the anime's story pretty drastically. I believe the official stance is that the movies are retelling of the events and are completely separate from the tv series.

No Bill Nye the Science Guy! For shame.

Love the reference to Eternal Sunshine of the the Spotless Mind

I love wide open worlds I'm 50 hours into New Vegas and i have only probably played 1/3 of the game so far then again im the type that scours the entire map trying to do everything and see everything i was 120 hours into Fallout 3 before i finished it. I enjoyed Fallout 3s world more than New Vegas' so far. I liked

@blackdahlia: What is... i dont even... *facepalm* Seriously? wow.

The meshes they did looked amazing then i saw them placed on a body and it totally killed it. Seemed the face wasnt moving with the head or body right.

Ive been excited about this game as i loved the first one for PC (despite its flaws). Hopefully the delayed release of the PC version means they are optimizing it for the platform instead of the shoddy port the first one was.

(The following might be somewhat graphic)

@strider2: If they only have alarms on the doors and windows and no motion sensors going through the wall wouldve bypassed the alarms.