
@Raven: Promoted so someone would get the code i already own it :D

Minecraft has absorbed a unmentionable amount of my time since i bought it. I thought i would get sick of it fairly quickly but so far i haven't.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: Thats the main reason im going to give it a go as well if only Tyler Labine (Sock) was in this as well :(

@romevi04: 1) Have you seen Spiderman 3?

@socket7: How is the shitty Deadspace port Steams fault?

Ive always wanted to buy a color calibrator as it would be nice to have good colors on my monitors and have my dual setup match, but as i dont do photos or a lot graphic design (its mainly a hobby) its difficult for me to justify spending $100+ for one. But if i could rent one to get the initial setup and match i dont

The more i find out about this game the less interest i have. I was ready to purchase day one on the small description and few screen shots we used to have now im to the point of "wait for reviews"

Who are the Girls in black and red suppose to be? Zelda and Shadow Zelda? Thats not a look im familiar with and ive played all of the console Zelda's.

@Farsqueaker: I'm sorry but the cell cannot compare with the i7. While the cell is innovative, and i will agree its not being used to its full potential, the i7 kills it with raw power and performance.

@oskiee: If you buy the right card it will have a lifetime warranty so cost of a new card - ZERO. Also you dont need a $200-300 dollar video card to play games that is in the high end spectrum of the videocard lines.

New Vegas done with most of Novac heading for the STRIP! First though need to get some firepower from Gun Runners (crossing my fingers for anti-material rifle) so i can take care of the Deathclaws at the Quarry.

Whats annoying for me is the sites that are duplicated from another site i once was searching for a particular computer error and the first 6 results on google were the exact same post/info simply using different sites. Very annoying.

@Destrokk: The Wii version can be had for super cheap. This is one of those games where you either love it or hate it so why full price when there is a possibility you wont like the game. Personally i loved it and plan on buying the PS3 version to compliment my Wii version and i dont even own a PS3 (roommate does

@poornose: Care to recommend one that isnt as shitty?

@rainofwalrus: Game Informer has been doing full game covers like this for some time now it actually looks pretty classy IMO.

@SecretMoblin: In the DS version that power leveling area is even easier as i had 3 Berserker Rings from battling my monster. Had to look down every so often and start the cycle over or heal every once in while but did something like 30 levels on all my characters while watching a movie one night :) The Final FINAL

In Japan the PS3 version of Heroes Paradise was the censored version (Bloodless) any news on if its going to be the censored version or not for this release?

I had torches the first night on my first play through. I used a guide like this to know what i was getting into but you should be able to find some surface coal pretty readily. You should have a simple shelter up with ample daylight left to build stone tools and still have time to go looking for it.