
I'm 80 hours in and i think im about halfway thought the game. But then again i did alot of grinding (not necessary whatsoever or even recommended im over leveled now) and my play style is to do everything in a new area except the actual objective needed to continue the story so that play time isnt exactly normal.

Yep everyone that preorders will get the extras []

Well looks like im going to have to cancel my Gamestop order that looks awesome.

Ive know about the RasPi for some time now but I'm waiting for the inventory to stabilize and for the inevitable revision that has all the bug fixes and includes an enclosure for it.

Falcon? -

In the original Borderlands the DLC really made the game for me it was almost more enjoyable than the base game itself. That said im really excited for Borderlands 2 but i refuse to pay full price then pay full price for each the DLCs so i will wait, Wait till its $50 with all the DLCs or for an GOTY type edition then

EDIT:Found a better guide

Borderlands 2 will be integrated into Steamworks and use Steam as its only DRM method.

You have to get all the glowing symbols that extend your scarf to unlock it.

Yes the pattern on the robes signify how many times you completed the game unfortunately there are only 3 upgrades to it. :( i was hoping for something like 10 or more.

Absolutely loved the game. Played it through 3 times the same day i got it and unlocked all but one achievement - wait a week then play it again . The visuals were absolutely stunning but i would've like to see the effect be added to many more environments. Also Wished i wouldve paced myself and that the game was much

Yes that is Destroyman from No More Heroes. That is his signature move the "Destroy Buster" which he fires from his crotch. In the first game hes all human but after defeat he was cut in half vertically but returned in the second game as two boses, cyborgs made from each half.

Good to know, my preorder means that much more to me know - that is if NOA keeps it in the game on its US release. Wow i completely miss read that. I guess thats what i get for doing 5 things at once including reading Kotaku.

That's unfortunate i had hoped i could switch between the English and Japanese voice track on Xenoblade :( and I highly doubt NOA will add that option to the US release.

Yeah he had me right up till the second half then it got into WTF territory.

I really hope this comes out for PC

At $200 there is no way looks, interesting but way to expensive.

It has two - HDMI and RCA Video out

Ill wait for the revision that comes with a case for the board. By then all the the supply/demand should stabilize and the kinks will mostly be ironed out. Have no idea what im going to do with the thing but i really want one, hell at that price id buy two. For uses perhaps connect it to a 360 controller and have a