
Joke, or 4 realz? Our country is such a vast nut-farm, I couldn’t be sure. Only saw sanity-derived ‘Impeach Fallin’ FB pages, & petitions, but admittedly didn’t dig too deep. If the Unreality-base & Reality-base really united over her, it’d be SO inspiring.

[sigh] Actually, I keep wishing the dems would dig up PR from the freestylin’ with Method Man, BFFs w/R Simmons, “Puff Daddy is a great guy”-era, & blast it at his Klan supporters...

Sure, I knew about them. It’s almost a tradition now—Chelsea tried the same career move. Seems fairly harmless to offload presidential relatives/spawn to fluffy TV-magazine gigs; if you don’t dispose of ‘em properly, they can end up in Congress, or worse :(.

Monyafeek ... merci.

I dunno. That -do is kind of a uniform among Reality women, & somehow it really disturbs me.

Kelly—like her parents—is def Illuminati, & flaunting it:

My own pair of kitties are 100% cool w/going naked, but no chance of an RSVP; they’re extremely picky about mixing w/the general public...

Luckily, I’m old enough to think this through more rationally—& if my fave 2Boots ‘za was at stake, Chris-babe would simply have to take a walk.

Aha. Thanks!

But in High & Low, Tatsuya Nakadai presents some SERIOUS competition (can’t help it; I <3 <3 that movie & TN was a super-hottie :)

Hell, yeah. My mom saved pix of me in my 1st-ever bikini—at age 11 or 12, maybe? A kind schoolgirl acquaintance nicknamed me “2x4" in 5th or 6th grade, so the pic must pre-date that, ‘cause I’m smiling. By HS tho’ was taking OTC slimming drug phenylpropanolamine & trying to ingest no more than 1000 calories a day.

Being a celeb in the cam-phone age could drive anyone apeshit—& Bieber’s been dealing w/this—+ other insane breaches of privacy —since prepubescence. Can you imagine being subjected to such mass exposure as a teen?

O, PP... pls bear w/an Old, & explain the Gray Thing? Surely it’s not as bad as being a Reptilian, but how do you even know you’re Gray? Your icon &c is full-color on my screen—& your comments are visible w/o entailing a ‘view pending approval’ click.

Uh-huh. At K-Stew’s age, my go-to response would’ve been some combo of ‘don’t judge unless proved guilty,’ with self-interest lurking in the background. & at 20-something, there’s a good chance one lacks the psych/emotional maturity &/or focused commitment to even consider such a thing.

‘cause if you really want to off yourself, the last thing that occurs is to phone a hotline? (Granted I always stuck to ideation, so maybe it was different, but rescue was never part of the picture :\ ).

This was one of several considerations behind my decision to exclude relatives from my Facebook ‘friend’ list. We’re not a tight-knit group, but there are some things you do NOT need to be informed about via social media.

Sigh... Silly woman. Now, I always swear by my Orgone Box.

If there’s an afterlife, Frederick Douglass must’ve done a genteel kind of spit-take at HC’s “25 years” statement...