
Explain to me the benefits of hitting your child. What could a three year old possibly do that requires and deserves a grown man striking her?

I'd like a Dry Bones and Shy Guy free DLC.


On point on all accounts, Drew. My parents probably has the best method: X bad action = Y loss of privilege, and then following through when we tested that notion, no timeout, no countdown. You learn quick as a kid that you can try to rebel against that as much as you want, and then you wind up like a hermit in your

Children who were "beaten" won World War II,

Most victims of domestic abuse stay with there abuser. So everyone needs to back off the "she's doing it for the money.".

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

February's pretty stuffed already. Witcher 3, Evolve, The Order, Battlefield, maybe Bloodborne....

Damn, that's quite the hefty delay. I was hoping for February.

Exactly! I'm not saying calling a sketchy room the "rape room" is a totally awesome and hilarious thing to do, but the real issue is how they reacted when she asked them to stop. Another major issue is the implicit misogyny when a bunch of men fire a woman because they think she's overreacting to a rape joke.

It seems like you're more taking issue with the fact that they a) didn't respect her boundaries; and b) that they got her fired for complaining about them not respecting her boundaries; as opposed to proclaiming that rape jokes, regardless of the audience or context or circumstances in which they are told,

Sunset overdrive for xbox one and borderlands for last gen. not much i guess. Oh well SSo should keep me up until halo and ACU. No loss.

The Brits have truly mastered the art of the polite shot in the stupid

the officer shows great restraint not shooting the kid for filming in portrait mode. Such valor.

It sounds cheap and trashy.

I recall Spore making equally bold claims. Look at what happened there. I'm interested still, but cautious.

To steal what someone else said on another message board: Technically, suicide is a selfish act. However, people who are clinically depressed to the point where they're seriously considering suicide aren't capable of thinking rationally about such things.

Except that it is her profession and she is not ashamed of it at all. Why should we instill that shame on her by saying "Oh we won't mention what you do for a living." If she were a doctor, lawyer, etc. would you say something like that? Do you recognize that telling people they should omit that is basically an

I dunno. I've heard that Donatello character is a real weirdo, into sex robots and things like that. Not sure if I'd trust my law cases in the hands of a turtle who "does machines".