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    My finace is vegan. I kind of wish I had done this, for my own amusement alone.

    You wear prescription glasses, right? How does that work?

    I won't pretend I wasn't worried. I was.

    Ugh, the spelling on that last blurb. Blurgh.

    Very upset by this. Love the franchise but I'm a PS4 owner and nothing else on X1 appeals to me. I hope that between now and Holiday 2015 X1 will reveal more projects I'm interested in because I don't want to have to buy an X1 just for this. Or maybe it'll just be a timed exclusive. I can hope.

    I would love a cleverly-written modern take on Space Quest. If only they could get Chris Miller and Phil Lord (The Lego Movie, 21/22 Jump Street) to do it.

    Dude, I know a lot of lawyers. They are into some seriously messed-up stuff.

    I swear, one day my webcomic, Donatello: Ninja Turtle Attorney, will be part of this history. I swear it!

    Riverdale (Bronx), NY

    Because America.

    I would buy the absolute sh*t out of an official dancing Groot in a flower pot. This is not hard to do, let's get it together.

    Yeah, it's gonna take more than that to get me to admit to murder.

    What a waste. We need a 3d open world cell-shaded adventure, fully-voiced. Please, at some point.


    It was the only way to be sure.

    well then yes, we disagree. You think she's offending people and I think you're overreacting. Oh well.

    Sigh. I understand how the phrase "like the bond of fellow POWs" can make people upset, but if the phrase made us understand that it was a bad experience that bonded them together, then the phrase is valid as a comparison.

    I wonder how much crazy sh*t used to go on in dating before the internet, before the age when we could easily, digitally send each other "date-enders." Someone should go around asking people who dated in the 70s and 60s if a different kind of craziness happened then.

    Hey, man, I can't drive 55.
