Yes, this. I love the look of the gameplay (huge Arkham fan) and I'll still play it, but come on. The "dead wife and kid" thing is so played out.
Yes, this. I love the look of the gameplay (huge Arkham fan) and I'll still play it, but come on. The "dead wife and kid" thing is so played out.
Yes! This!
Yeah, me too. I understand that they wanted to do a reboot, but when you call it "Second Son" you've got to know that there's a sizable number of people who will expect that to be important.
Loved hearing from Zeke, but again not enough. Especially when he SPOILER(?) refused to meet in person. My thought at that moment was "Well, I guess they didn't want to make a new character model for him."
Hey Evan, did you play the Cole's Legacy DLC? I played through it and was disappointed (I was hoping for a bit more). Anyone have any thoughts on it?
I dunno. The effects look great, a lot of what look to be epic action sequences. But there's also a lot of bland, wooden line readings. Pay attention to Mystique's (lack of) tone of voice during her line. This one could go either way.
THAT'S what that is! Thank you!
I dunno, just kind of stuck out to me.
I'm excited! Looks like fun, can't wait to hack around! Story looks interesting, but I hope there's more to it. Right now it looks like a bunch of young white people vs. black dudes and one old white guy controlling the black dudes. That seems... troubling.
I wonder if Amazon has the pre-order available yet... nope.
With JOHN CENA as Luigi!
Love'em. Especially Donatello, who has now become a lawyer. Well, he has at least in my webcomic, Donatello: Ninja Turtle Attorney. Check it out.
Holy crap that's hilarious. I'm doing a webcomic using action figures myself, but my god is this glorious.
Yes, excellent. More figures = more clients for Donatello: Ninja Turtle Attorney!
Wow, that's CRAZY good! Lot of talent there!
Awesome, more clients for Donatello: Ninja Turtle Attorney!
That man needs a good lawyer. A ninja turtle lawyer.
Thanks man!
Just a webcomic, that's all. Totally tangential, just wanted the views. My bad if you didn't like it.