
Anyone else notice the shape the C pillar is in, looks like it took the sign pretty well. Can't see the A or B pillars but it doesn't look like they pancaked, if I was Merc, I would advertise the hell out of that. Beats the IIHS roof test.

Anyone else from Texas instantly recognize the back drop as the Woodlands from the still picture before hitting play?

All part of Beigekrieg, Piech wanted to get control Porsche to get credit for all the sales from Lilo totaled Porsches. Just think if she had been a Phaeton driver back in 04, they might have made it here!

Working too if you can call it that. Labor day at the dealership. Getting grief for wearing boots and Kachki's but it is a holiday and they are ostrich. I always wanted to get one of those Tundra's with the Lucchese Ostrich package that matched my pair.

Yeah, it doesn't help gasoline futures already jumped a dime on last Wednesday.

Missing a 1 in front of the 3.

Second that, got rid of one to get another toy because life is short. I will get another, it i the only thing out there I keep coming back to.

I have a friend who has a Cadillac dealership and he joked the other day when we were talking about the new demographic coming in his store. He said they are getting alot of twenty and thirty somethings that are looking at the CTS and ATS because "Their parents had BMW's and Mercedes and they don't want to be like

My most memorable of many repairs/upgrades on my 78 CJ-5 Renegade Levi's edition I drove in high school was getting it ready for my annual state inspection sticker for Texas. The only working electrical items on it where the lights and the stereo. No working speedo, no gas gauge, no coolant temp. Since the state only

Only works if you have an electrolyte present to get the galavanic reaction of dissimilar metals. Works nicely underground for pipelines in cathodic protection, if I could figure out a way to make it work on cars and body panels I would be set.

CC R-Line, I am averaging 36 hwy and get asked what it is all the time, you would think VW would do a commercial or something.

Back in high school in the 90's I had a 93 Silverado ext cab with a cat back system that Joe Dirt would have approved of that begged to be taken out on Fridays nights after the game and power braked in parking lots full of sophomore girls. Toyota should really teach their cars physics cuz a beige power brake would be

To borrow a great quote from a great story:

One thing that stands out to me is range to empty. There will be the state Monroney mpg but what psi will they run that test on on versus what psi the place you refill is at. The higher the pressure, the further you go, lower the pressure, less you can go. There isn't yet a uniform standard on that.

Das Land der Dichter und Denker or Kia/Hyundai by way of snatching Peter Schreyer. At the end of the day of the day you can make a Kia look like a VW but can't capture german ride and drive.

Yep, in my case it wasn't that it was a surprise since I wanted to know what she wanted and that meant her test driving alot of cars. Narrowed it down to the CC, Touareg or cts. If she could make up her mind before new years!

Joe Isuzu, "If I’m lying, may lightning hit my mother."

Hummer, Saturn and Saab are all part of "old" GM so that "new" GM would not have any liabilities for claims rising from those brands? Don't know if a judge will allow control of the brand yet no liability for it.