Wine clearly got the best of me tonight as I saw AC130 not A C130:) Imagine the let down. The Luttrell’s and Taya more than make up for it and a Gig’em for Rick.
Sounds like they knew enough to be dangerous and mixed up paying sales tax on the entire purchase vs purchase less trade in the case you trade it in. Nah, just schiesters. A lifetime ago when I had a series 7 and 63 my firm let us quote tax law, not give advice. That is for cpa’s and tax barristers. Good to know some…
This is one of those times I like splitting time between Fairfax and Arlington... Texas, no snow here but my Texas E39 just went into trans fail safe so not a perfect day.
I emailed Thrift 3 weeks ago about this car and what exactly "finance only" price meant and what the cash price would be, still haven't heard from them.
Grapevine TX, Classic Chevrolet 2004 was my first best experience of many repeats over the last 10 years. Dealt with the fleet guy there who sells more cars in a month than most chevy dealers in the country do. I had inquired about a specific truck over the internet and it had sold, a couple of weeks later on a…
Sorry to hear it Patrick, I am another Texan splitting time between DC and Texas for the last 18 months and had no idea about this. Guess I need to slow it down since I drive like I am in Texas. Looking forward to the wife getting out of regulatory and heading back south.
Great article. I think the danger of these loans is more the derivatives of the bonds required to make it worth while for an investment bank, not the loan itself. If I recall, even the sub prime mortgage market was to small for many to bother with until the bonds, index based on the bonds and the credit defaults…
Great read, I listened to it on audible over and over for a month. Have you read Liars Poker?
The Big Short by Michael Lewis explains the sub prime crash better than anything else I have read or heard. I heard a couple of years back that investment banks were trying to securitize sub prime car loans like they did mortgages but haven't seen them yet. Lets hope the banks remember not to write credit default…
Yes, still flat rate, that is what I love about it.
I use Uber black quite a bit in DC and to and from Dulles and Reagan, 90 percent of the time the driver gives me his card, for whatever legit livery service they are with, to call direct for a ride and at a better rate than Uber. If anything is the downfall of Uber, it will be that the black car and suv companies and…
That makes two of us that weren't there! Look for you next week or whenever, I will most likely be the only guy in an A&M cap.
Thanks, look forward to it.
I know it says 6:30 but what time do things really get going there? It will be my first one since moving to VA.
I remember a certain Ford Superbowl commercial at the very beginning where the theme was "almost double", based solely on that fact, all fords must have at least 29 inch rotors.
I heard this morning a software update and battery replacement on the FDR and blackbox were not done by the manufacturer, though there is a possibility another service provider performed these upgrades. Based on how Johnny on the spot Malaysia Airlines was about realizing they had lost a plane, I am guessing their…
500,000 Batteries a year 6,500 workers comes out to 79 batteries or battery packs per year per employee. Obviously not all 6,500 would be in manufactuting so that number would be higher. Just a little fourth grade math has me thinking this might not be the a realistic business plan even if you could get a billion or…
500,000 Batteries a year 6,500 workers comes out to 79 batteries or battery packs per year per employee. Obviously not all 6,500 would be in manufactuting so that number would be higher. Just a little fourth grade math has me thinking this might not be the a realistic business plan even if you could get a billion or…
I fly American more than anyone else and I fly often, like you get in your car and drive to work, I get on a plane and go to work. I fly American more due to DFW being their hub and my gome office being there but mostly because if I book a week out, I can fly first class for the price of a coach ticket any later.