Thad Castle

I’m so over the fake sanctimony from an outfit that produced Peyton Manning and his ass cheeks and who had the last coach actively discourage his players from helping sexual assault victims.

This is about not thinking Schiano is the best hire. If these fools thought he was the best hire, it wouldn’t have mattered had

Watch out Razorbacks, you may soon be on the receiving end of a tweetstorm by the classy Mrs. Bielema. Just ask the Badgers.

Here’s a crazy idea: stop playing the anthem before football games. Why do we do this anyway? It’s not like this is the Olympics, where nations are competing against each other. Whom are we trying to impress?

Then the alt-right will demand that there be cameras in the locker room so that we can see who is standing or kneeling or sitting or taking a dump in the bathroom.

I’ll keep asking: What the hell is the point of anthems before sporting events? Pure jingoism?

I came to the comments to say the exact. same. thing!

Here’s an idea, don’t play the anthem at all.

What’s worse is in those locker rooms the players are going to film promotions for the ACLU, while an abortion clinic is set up to terminate white babies. And no Pussy Talk.

Who wants to be the one to tell this asshole the NFL only began having its players and coaches on the sideline for the anthem in 2009 . . .

Trump: When will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough and smart?

He’s football’s Marshall Henderson.

I think it’s about 99.9% this guy is Manziel 2.0.

The real question is, why the fuck was the guy who drunkenly resisted arrest over the summer your team captain in the first place?

Hobby Lobby was mistakenly allowed to discriminate against its employees who don’t share its religious inclinations, and should be pointed out for its hypocrisy at every opportunity until it feels it in its tithe.

Hobby Lobby used the Supreme Court to set public policy, dickhead,

Affordable birth control is undisputedly a human rights issue. I can’t even understand how to get in the mind space where it isn’t.

People like you really like to scream about the 1st amendment while not understanding the nuances of a conversation. Holly Lobby is allowed to be a fundamentalist organization, and we are allowed as consumers to call them such and not shop there.

Enjoy your quiverfull of Trump-bot children.

I gotta go with Hobby Lobby. It’s all the above things you mentioned, plus a nice side of bigotry, hate, and religious intolerance!