thad barkley

Well now that's *all* I can see!

$5 says he'll try to grope Sec. Chao first, in some kind of shitty mind game "power move" aimed at McConnell.

> if Kinja is hell

But what if she got them thangs? I mean, like, big ol thangs?

We should all go back to Christ. Reddit, just these though -

You can't go wrong with BD Wong!

I'd personally have gone with Christopher Lee in Terror of the Tongs

I keep forgetting Black Hawk Down

The Resurrected is coming to disc! Hot damn.

::John Teti flies about cackling, pulls out dirtside's heartplug::

Restore Disqus, or you will live out your life in a pain amplifier!

…and a woman.

::Spike Lee starts to angrily tweet HORMEL CEO James Snee's home address, but then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and turns his phone off, placing it back in his jacket pocket. To all things an end must come. A chance to be reborn and renewed. He signals to the waitress that his coffee needs a refill::

Iron First really wasn't as bad as the reviewers insisted.

Um…I guess I beat this homeless teenager to death for nothing then…

Blergh. He was the Werst.

I think that was the line-up of the short-lived 'New Jerky Boys' that briefly had a show on syndicated tv.

Wow, maybe they're not as racist as we allhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh god i couldn't finish that sorry

Breitbart has an employee named Raheem?

It was mostly so he could get a job in the Imperial government.