thad barkley

Well now I've just read the whole article and fuckin' hell - He's not an asshole, he's a complete piece of shit.

Hahaha jesus christ what an asshole

Repeat what the other person says?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a military junta…

Hahahaha now I'm seeing Chuck Shumer desperately trying to milk a cat hahahaha

A bundle of sticks, eh?

Well he's certainly *acting* like he wants to be a fascistic dictator -

::feverishly begins working on spec script for President Nosferatu::

There's Zero possibility of this ending well.

> so fucking toxic

> official membership like the Clowns of America, International.

"Ach! Ze irony!"

Siri, where's my crowbar? Or my chain with a lock on the end of it?

Before lobster was considered 'rich food'

Ironic as the Hungarians probably wouldn't qualify as Aryan, and would have eventually been genocided after the Nazis finished off the Slavs.

Communication and Information Sciences majors are the *worst*

> a bigger machine

IIRC Clint Eastwood was slated to play Two-Face if there had been another season of Batman.

Do we know for sure that was Shatner, though? There's a lot of celebrity twitters being run by their media people…

Really needs to lose that 'beard' too - it looks like he actually spends time trimming it to look that way. Full beard, five o'clock shadow, or nothing.