thad barkley

Oh shit, that's out on disc!

Smokey III will also work as a Jerry Reed double-feature with The Survivors

I think you mean, discover the gas leak that took them in their sleep…

Ah god, those poor puppies are going to grow up awful.

In my 20s I had a plan to have sex with at least one woman of every conceivable ethnicity or nationality!

You can just tell *when* he went off-script.

Good god, no. I bought a couple on Etsy.

I'm going to put a little hat on my cat and start talking to her.

Thurn und Taxis?


Hawaiian shirts.

They idolize Japan's ethic homogeneity *and* they're still creepy nerds - Cause if you can't be white then at least you can be a pure-blooded waifu.

"I was ironically fucking the goat!"

As long as it ends with Liam Neeson standing atop a mountain of skulls that used to be Albania…

Oh shit yeah - William Devane.

When that first trailer came out, the pause between Neeson and the guy on the other end had me shaking. I think I watched it ten times in a row.

Or superhookers!

RE: Shooter

Must be hell trynna cram all them hoopskirts in the jury box.