thad barkley

Linda, Linda!
(Linda, Linda!)
Linda, Linda, Lindaaa-AAAA!


Seriously - I don't know who they are or what they do and I don't mind being that guy, but this is also a legit question - Are, uh, there some chromosomes missing from that picture?

Oh thank god the culling has started.

¡Qué diablos dices!

So you'll have a lot of Christmas wreaths hanging up everywhere, hiding degaussing coils?

Are the islands *actual* skulls?

To be fair, Tom Green hasn't been responsible for several violent deaths.

Upvoted for the second bass player.

Well, then a case could be made this is Nick Denton's fault too.

That's just what a Literal Hitler would say!

But with polo mallets and more screaming.

1. People who run dog-fighting rings
2. "Porch pirates" - the people who steal packages off your stoop
3. Blackmailing hackers tied with revenge porners

Charles Augustus Milverton?

What about shattering their hands and fingers beyond the possibility of rehabilitation, thereby robbing them of their hacking abilities?

North, South, East, West - no matter where I go, if i start looking through the Used LPs section, I'll end up seeing two copies of every Uriah Heep album.

> Millennials get a bad rap, usually from Generation X

Whoever was responsible for that should be beaten.

It's actually pretty fun if you enjoy 60s eurospy flicks. i wish there were a version using Connery's real accent.