thad barkley

And Daniela Bianchi if you include Operation Kid Brother.

Judi Densch, as a lifelong sufferer of dyscalculia, actually *cannot* count.

Well, now I want to see Bad Lieutenants about a group of cops gone wild at a law enforcement convention, and the resultant federal police brutality investigations, inevitable not guilty verdicts, and the violent suppression of peaceful protests that follow.

Sat down to clear out some space on the dvr only to discover that the first two episodes of the BBC's History of Africa series were in fact, not. Good job programming the schedule, Beeb! Or Spectrum, whoever is responsible.

Well, Falco had *two* hits, and After the Fire only really had the one, so maybe the producers felt bad for them?

> High speed chases

> Boaz Davidson

People devoid of empathy and compassion should be rounded up and gassed! /jk

Well, he does make a lot of valid points. Especially how the culture of mermen doesn't emphasize education and promotes violence.

The most important thing to take away from this is - "Jesus, this guy's an asshole."

> a sexist asshole

This guy is either wrestling with schizophrenia or is one of those "neuro-atypicals" who thinks their weird brain gives them superpowers the rest of us normies can't conceive of.

A 'Computer' literally used to mean a woman who did all the math, right?

Hahahaha just by seeing him occasionally on pundit panels I totally believe he'd do that.

Haha - I've always thought it was a mix of these two - "This smilin' fat chick just put my spine out of place."

I'm never sure if this was a hallucination but I could have sworn I saw this on a Spanish-language channel back in the late 90s/early 00s.

It's the unlaced boots.

I would trade bald for gray in a heartbeat.