thad barkley

Good lord. Next thing you'll say is that it would be wrong to beat this guy with a bike chain. Or a crowbar. Or a cinderblock.

He appears to be a human/Inner Earth Reptilian hybrid, so it's more than likely he can bend his spine to allow it.

No whey.

You'd make a great cop, you know that?

I thought straight-edgers weren't into that sort of thing.

I think if you choke on a vurp, then it's a vlog.

That's because that homeless man is loved and respected by everyone he meets despite his station in life.

The AV Club
a multiplicitous collection of independently-governed polities

That was all a joke though. Don't start yelling at me.

This was back in the 70s and 80s though, when street gangs in films and tv were fully integrated. SCOTUS' decision in US v Hunter changed all that, and the depiction of urban crime slowly began to reflect the real world again.

I think it was a Disney Channel movie?

Also, Next of Kin. Not a really convincing Appalachian accent, though.

CHESS BUD 2 in which a dog plays chess against a supercomputer, played by Paulie's robot.


The insanely titled Bigfoot vs DB Cooper, 'starring' Eric Roberts - is one of his.

Naw we've moved past TPing and straight into keying all the cars in the WH parking lot.

"No one cared who I was until I stuck that pot on my head."

Well, shit. I don't understand that mindset unless BBC's planning on a new edition of the DVD.

I flip through a book and pick out a random multisyllable word, google translate it into spanish or german or something, then use that with the obvious number and symbol substitutions, like @ or ! or 5

Guh, I'm getting queasy looking at that