thad barkley


Wouldn't it be "What is your mother's maiden name, Jennifer Lawrence's boyfriend"?

I was asking for a friend….from China….you don't know them….

…what company is this again?

And dollar sign instead of S!

This stuff can turn your urine black!

Outrage fatigue as a valid political strategy.

Priebus is clearly Porcupine Pete.

The way they went about trying to beat him was stupid also.

Or the greatest 'aberration' of all - a guy from the future going back in time to murder somebody's mom.

It's also for seeing how fast you're speeding at the time you crash and kill some innocent people. Using your phone, that is.

the guy from the chinese take-out place usually brings them.

Well now we're going to be expecting it, so…

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inorite? i can just crush up a couple of vicodin, mix'em into the sleepytime tea, and rub one out with a norah jones album on the background and never have to leave my house

the fuck is this shit

Watched a couple of episodes of that on Youtube, and aside from the terrible title it's a pretty good show. Sort of like Midsomer Murders but on the Moon and space stations.

The best thing about that show, aside from a young Idris Elba as a pizza delivery astronaut, was the desk sergeant with a big alien head who spoke with the archetypal Oirish accent of a beat cop.

How about the necklace of ears he kept in his footlocker?