thad barkley

::Spike Lee, sitting in a Perkins, sighs and puts his phone away, vowing to spend less time on Twitter and more time with the people he loves::

There's two - Strange Angel and Sex and Rockets.

waltz in the bedroom in a lab coat and ask her if she's ready for the 'hot beef injection' next

…& a woman

Also "duty"

ctrl + F "cucamonga"

Just in time for their reboot of Far Out Space Nuts?

"Sexy, vital _______" will be a thing from now on?

It would have been nice had they done the post-Enterprise Romulan War instead of whatever this is going to be.

What should I buy with all the money I'm saving on not getting CBS All Access or whatever it's called…

Well, he's completely wrong.

I thought Id Shatner had Crazy Eyebrows?

Don't expect a retraction or apology or anything.

Same thing with Iron Sheik I believe.

Why the hell would he be watching the CW and hanging around on twitter when he could be riding horses?

Wow, it's like *everyone's* an asshole!

They're waiting for school to start.

Breitbart isn't switching to Kinja suddenly and without letting its commentariat know, so….no?

> Archie Bunker Syndrome

Where the Chinese colonized the Pacific coast of the Americas and are now in a tense cold war with the 23 United States?