thad barkley

Both of these ideas make more sense than the Union giving up New Orleans as a port city. Also it'd be supported by the separatist strain of abolitionism.

And Stabler comes out of retirement to beat the shit out of him in the interrogation room!

We'll never really know how people would have reacted to this show if the Spellmans names were up front when the news came out instead of Benioff and Weiss.

It's a lawyer referral service for ambulance chasers. Ads all over the place in Florida.

Yeah, in the race (sorry!) for clicks, some key details fell by the wayside.

I don't know if the Spellmans are the showrunners - I think they are head writers, but the GoT dudes are the ones ultimately in charge.

Yeah didn't he have Crohn's?

The main reason why Kennedy's brain was removed after the autopsy!

And Paul Rudd's first role was the lead in a Halloween movie!

Great article about a great flick (which still doesn't have a US release). Good Job, IV!


i gotta go

no no no

Oh jesus no

Half your age minus 7 - the math works out, so what's the big deal?

Oh shit this guy's dad is 1-800-ASK-GARY

if i remember right, copperheads will freeze up instead of running away, so there's a better chance of accidentally stepping on them and getting bitten. I don't think they're rattlers either, so yeah - i'd kill them too, especially with the dogs and cats in the neighborhood.

There were about 17 of them under her house.

I'm really starting to think that empathy and compassion are bugs in human nature, not features.

How closely have you looked at the current residents of the White House and Congress?