thad barkley

"Why couldn't this shit have waited til six o'clock?!"

There was apparently a leak from a WH staffer who said it was to force Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin and whatever the other key shitholes were to publicly work against it.

I'm sorry for your loss too, and for what it's worth, thank you for this part.

I'm actually halfway to a beard like that, but I am a borderline homeless alcoholic with Appalachian roots, so…

To see a beard like that outside of the context of "Old West prospector" or "Hatfield or McCoy" is disconcerting.

Repealing Glass-Steagall?

Unfortunately there will be no new films in the Brakhage Cinematic Universe :(

::angrily changes his band name to The American Football UK::

Oswald's accountant was named Booth!

Okay thank you. This was legitimately funny.

ok so i googled 'ladies dressed in menswear' and there needs to be a word for that cause that is a thing now for me

They're casting the Inklings now, but odds are good that CS Lewis will be a mocapped Andy Serkis.

Yeah, shouldn't it be the Youtube Video Music Awards now?

It's perfectly okay to body shame people if they're legit awful people and it might make them feel bad.

So TIFF is just for A-listers now? Didn't it use to be more indie/foreign film oriented?

Scaramucci is literally Bob Gunton's character in Dead Silence.

Well yes, if you've got a feral cat colony you need to scare away.

Especially in Letters From Iwo Jima! TOTES RACIST

Carved onto a rock by a dog wearing pants.

Well, you made an old man cry!