thad barkley

> The story in NYC today


The Man With The Golden Parachute

aka The Harrison Ford Story

That's gonna have to wait for Kinja.

ctrl + f "Florrie"


Or watching a kid from camp die in front of them.

jesus godalmighty

Revelations warned of this 2000 years ago!

Dumb people: [shoots you in the neck with a crossbow]
You: [gurgles, then dies]
Dumb people: [drag your body off from the back of their Mad Max car to cannibalize]

Don't wait too long Mullen it over!

"South Park caused Trump, but first-person-shooters definitely don't cause violence. That's just ridiculous, what are you an idiot?"

> drone warfare, the massive expansion of the security and surveillance state, wall street bailouts, more CIA intervention in foreign countries, clandestine support of terrorists, the destruction of Libya and more warfare in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

> an extended critique of the emptiness of neoliberalism

You mean like local Emmy-winning cameraman and nationally ranked pro kite surfer Randy Magnum?

I was in for 7 years immediately after college, and the five people I killed were all accidents.

That's good, then. It would be awkward to shoehorn him into BP's story.

"But it's a .net! That means they're legit!"

Probably through the early-mid 70s. I've always thought that Heaven's Gate killed Westerns for the US public.