thad barkley

Should have given him a Snickers.

Finally watched my blu-ray of Uzumasa Limelight a sweet, wonderful little movie about an aging extra in samurai tv shows who specializes in being killed by the lead. I think it's still on Prime.

If they hadn't already cast the Calculator, he would've been my guess.

Well…this was unexpected!


> Wasp had a different costume almost every issue

I'm interested to see her version of Ghost - a twitchy paranoid weirdo who sometimes goes for days or weeks without leaving his costume…

Eh, doesn't look like it.

I'll do that then. Had a hankerin for their salmon anyway.

I could have phrased that better.

Need an inexpensive, yet vaguely comfortable loveseat - is IKEA an option?

And Galactus literally kicks in a door to beat up some dudes.

Ay diablo!

I just now got that!

Stands for "personal computer"!



Yeah, for as much as I hated Def Leppard when I was a teenager, looking back they are absolutely nothing like Poison or Warrant or any of the other shitty multiplatinum hair metal bands of the time.

Yeah, but that doesn't make sense.

It's also pretty goddamn insulting to two complete strangers, who are also respected television professionals.