thad barkley

It's also pretty goddamn insulting to two complete strangers, who are also respected television professionals.

I only started watching it cause of Ironside!

Yeah, that's one of the cancelled-show-unanswered-questions I'd like resolved somehow.

I've never understood it either - it may just be the timing. God knows there's no musical similarity between them and frickin Limp Bizkit…

I'd assume the bat-upholstery is blood repellent, so probably water repellent too?

Two of Life's Winners…

That car would work with contemporary Batman too.

Guns on the Batmobile has always been stupid. Okay, maybe guns that shoot beanbags or smoke/CS grenade launchers, sure. But actual guns? Way to miss the point of Batman.

Yeah, Linkin Park and Deftones are the only nu-metal acts that didn't seem like awful people.

All those weird straps and pouches on Cyclops' costume - Why? What was he carrying in them? Did he have a utility belt or something? Grappling hooks and shark repellent?

Yeah, while her cleavage has always been a somehow vital component of her uniforms, she started wearing pants again back when Morrison wrote it.

Well shit - Darkwing Duck too.

Unfortunately it also explains why they're never wearing pants :(

In legitimate cases, the cloaca has a way of shutting it down.


It's another facebook hoax.

They fired Tom Holland already? That's insane!

Yeah, thank you for mentioning that. I thought I hallucinated that comment as NO ONE ELSE had brought it up. What the hell.

Again - no actual Hawaiians.

Followed by a string of spin-offs - CSA: Miami, CSA:Redemption