thad barkley

Yes, but a man can hope can't he?

Ulrich Thomsen's too.

Stevenson also played the Punisher in one episode of that Super Hero Squad show.

Finnegan's Woke

Cause they're staffed mostly by people bitter than they're working in a trailer production house rather than directing themselves?

Oooh! Oooh! Ax'im about that weird sci-fi version of The Mod Squad with Julie Bowen!

Imagine a Random Roles with Mako!

It was one of the later sequels - also had Henry Cavill and Kathryn Winnick. It's not good.

It also had the pre-Da Vinci Code episode about the order dedicated to preserving Christ's bloodline.

Yeah if I remember right Cameron had originally planned the Terminator as more of a nondescript, face in the crowd type rather than an obvious massive wrecking machine.

That Cagney and Lacey also had a young Michael Madsen as the hostage-taker!

Why on earth would a company capable of engineering such an animal make it so intelligent and adorable? Is that a plot point?

So do the hippo-pig and its little girl go off into the sunset happily at the end?

Black Bolt needs a Tim Conway to his Korman.

"Dougal I wouldn't have done a chinaman impression if I'd know there was gonna be a chinaman there to see me doing a chinaman impression!"

Okay, well this looks fuckin' great. Martin Campbell directing Jackie Chan? SOLD.

Wait - Kate Nash is in this too? "Made of Bricks" Kate Nash?


More likely a human woman's body, but her head is a whole spider.

Never heard it before right now. I think your gammy was making it up.