thad barkley

These guys are good. Have an upvote.

> the crew broke into applause when they heard they were being replaced

I know right? I mean, I knew Shetland ponies were their own thing, but this is news to me.

Dead from measles is pretty terrible too.

You see, this wouldn't be a problem if every human on the planet were sterilized and were only allowed to reproduce via artificial means after passing an extensive battery of psychological exams to determine their fitness. All run by computers of course.

Damn you, sir - I'll not have the good names of the Country Bears and their Jamboree besmirched!

Finnegan's Wake is a "tortured slog"


SPOILERS on the plot -

OT - Does anyone know if the BBC News channel is available on Roku?

Do we abandon people for being 'unreasonable' now? He does his time and gets help for whatever paranoid worldview he's been infected with, and he can be saved.

Haven't read them yet, but I'm pretty sure Edmondson's run has him specifically serving in the Afghan/Gulf Wars

…i prefer FrankenCastle to Aaron's run. Can't really tell you why. Just do.

If this guy feels horrible about what he did, then that's good. He can be saved. He did what he did cause he genuinely thought kids were in danger.

Yeah, I was kinda bummed out by that. Also, Major's just lost *a bunch* of people who he cared about just as he felt things were turning around. I'll see how the next episode deals with this, but my affection for the show may have diminished a bit.

They just figured he was dead and frozen. I don't know why they would take him out of the freezer though…

I somehow missed that one, and am now ordering it! Thank you!


"Stray dogs are not your friend. Or, they could be."

But when you get a cat that loves you unconditionally, with immeasurable devotion….man that's a good feeling.