thad barkley

He peaked with The Hand.

Pol Pot Pantsuit is a pretty good band name. Maybe ska-metal?

fuck is this shit

Don't forget the 15 minute version of "Whipping Post"!


I shall be cancelling my subscription to the AV Club forthwith and posthaste! Good day, Senor!

Microsoft Feminism is the worst! If I don't update it constantly it starts tweeting about me and threatening to post my home address!

So…am I supposed to hope that he dies in a fire in his sleep now?

> an Elle Fanning vehicle called Werecoon

Salvage was a pretty effective low-budget time loop/slasher flick whose twist I really, really should have seen coming. I did like that it waited to literally the last minute of the movie to give it away.

Now you're just being a dick. Blocked.

They forgot the Supper Club tag.

> the grown-up world is ineffectual

It's a veritable buffet for combat aficionados! Seriously - if one were so inclined, you could skip the narrative and plot centered roleplaying and use it for a Bloodsport-type RPG

TMNT/Ninjas and Superspies or GTFO

It turns out Matthew Modine was the shark!

Mentioned to my primary once that i was having these sudden, knife-like pains dead center in my sternum.

In case no one else's mentioned it, get checked for reflux. Had it so bad once I thought it was a heart attack.

That's fair. 6 seasons, it must have been doing something right for somebody.

An all-female version of Predator would be horrifying, and more like a sci-fi version of Maniac than anything else.