thad barkley

All those dangling plot threads!

> Reba's son-in-law

Ask your cable or dish provider to carry Rural TV!

So…money laundering? Tax thing? What do we think prompted this movie to get made?

Smile, Rapier Ape! I'm gonna put you in the papers - you sick son of a bitch!

Heavens to Murgatroyd! Exit, stage left!

I'd imagine it depends on what kind of prosecutors you have in your area.

Good lord, he's not a cop he's a youtube personality. As long as the jury's not made up of tweens he'll probably do time.

He still has that adaptation of the Hyperion Cantos he wants to do.

Again, the nuclear holocaust would wipe everything else out.

Can Martin Freeman do what Alex Proyas and Bradley Cooper couldn't?

Yeah, Chase murdering the family makes more sense than Vivian. It would also explain why her helicopter exploded.

I heard your dad went into the Sex Fortress and ate everything in the Sex Fortress and they had to close the Sex Fortress.

Yeah - I'm sorry, but there's just no way they can walk that back effectively.

That money helps churn out new terrorists for us to continue to war against! #JobCreators!

So he's saying Ted Cruz is a weirdo, but ultimately a good guy and good boss.

Oh my god - stop politicizing this!

Is Bridget Regan starring in anything right now?

Like a henchman tontine!

I believe he said - "I'll be back and I'm taking you all with me!" - but in a *completely* different context.