thad barkley

And a polyamorous cult leader!

::flips through notes::

What about a nine inch serb?

Uh…that's the kind of thing you keep hostages in…

Trapped in a cave by terrorists, he built a suit made from bats in order to escape.

Penguin: Careful, careful, every one of them's got a mother.

The Princes of the Universe?

God this reminds me of that insurance policy i had against 'Accidental Death and Dismemberment'

I'd completely forgot to re-up my subscription to that! Thank you for reminding me!

> What kind of questions were asked?

If they can't get into *any* college at all cause of this - then, yes. That's a bit much.

Nope, that was last week- Now it's ending their lives!

Oh! From Angela Robinson, director of D.E.B.S.

Uh…and of course Rebecca Hall tying people up too…

Huh. Hadn't heard of this one at all, but that cast and Annapurna earns a look.

He did some great episodes of Fringe as I recall…but that's it.

Yeah, the trailers have been pretty awful so far. I don't have any hope for this.

He's America's..uh…Steve Harvey!

hahaha now i have the image of harvey's big fat head on a tiny lil achondroplastic body, being carried around by tiny lister

> Kijiji