thad barkley

He wasn't even born on Krypton! He's an illegal immigrant from Daxam!

He can afford a combination driver/prostitute! He can afford two of them!

What is it for 75 per cent?

I'm assuming i get a pass due to my being 1/128th Cherokee? And a childhood love of Chicago and country blues?

Sigh. I just wish another civil war would start already so's it would be over quicker.

Don't forget the kendo stick and a Stop sign!

Or perhaps Jess Franco…

Needs more Ken Russell.

> Gulliver's after the final voyage

Also - Rachel is maybe undercover? A Fed investigating a possible domestic terror cell?

"I'm a doctor - I can help!"

> he actually won the election

I will contribute monies to Kickstart this.

So Godzilla will be trapped inside a house, while Kong and a group of masked giant apes try to kill him with giant crossbows and axes?

That is a good feeling - one denied the poor hopeless bastards who live in the hellholes known as Oregon and New Jersey!

Napalm Death's always been super left-wing, i'd think.

If you're -phobic against *all* xenos, I guess you should get points for consistency and fairness?

Wait…so because of Kathy Griffin slavery still exists?

> he doesn’t think Planned Parenthood should be “selling baby parts like a chop shop in Brooklyn.”

That storyline was taken from a very dark period in Stan Lee's life…