thad barkley

The 'Trivago Guy' Backlash finally caught up to someone in corporate and now it's an attractive Australian brunette.

Those commercials are the best and I'll beat any man, woman, or child that says otherwise until they can't stand.

The problem is the current model of "doing something" is nothing more than drone strike after drone strike on mostly civilian populations. Which literally creates more terrorists.

“Animals don't behave like men,' he said. 'If they have to fight, they fight; and if they have to kill they kill. But they don't sit down and set their wits to work to devise ways of spoiling other creatures' lives and hurting them. They have dignity and animality.”

Explosions at an Ariana Grande concert.


That…that really works.

"Lupita - It's Norma at the market. It bounced. You want us to tear it up, send it back, or put it with the others?"

…who's playing Angel and Rocky?

You know, this is actually kind of cute. Hope it works out.

Captain Comet?

Victor Frankenstein was put out by Fox

Just wait until the Stephen J Cannell stuff gets rebooted with Liam Neeson and Channing Tatum in Hardcastle and McCormick, followed by one of the Hemsworths as Stingray!

Unfortunately Universal does not have the rights to the General Mills Shared Universe.

Goggins as the Gill-Man!

A shindig?

So I'm remembering that time Jon Ronson and Alex Jones infiltrated Bohemian Grove and how it broke Jones' brain, probably leading to his current state…

Look at me: I am the sum of all evils. Look carefully. My power infests all times, all galaxies, all dimensions. But many still seek me out; an orange chunk they must possess. But see how I destroy their lives.

Loose Meat Abortion
Crusty Beef Overhang