thad barkley

> Bahubali 2: the Conclusion

"Zap, Jefferson, Zap!"

IIRC he spent a couple of days hanging out with Andy Dick and 'partying' before he killed himself.

Aw man…it's gonna be weird sitting there eating those donuts by myself.

People still like working with Eastwood.

More importantly, what does his The Animal co-star and former Survivor contestant Colleen Haskell think of this? And what is she doing these days? And is she single? And would she like to go to lunch? Not dinner though, cause dinner is too much like a date and we don't even really know each other? Just to you

Well, they're not all remorseless killing and eating machines…

If he's an adjunct, won't he only be on half the episodes?

Why the hell is Charlie going to college with her? That's weird.

I'd imagine that it would be pretty obvious to the cops and EMS, let alone the coroners, if someone was Carradineing themselves and accidentally died.

I was scrolling through the channel guide and they had back to back Alice and The Facts of Life marathons…

Every season it's a new electrically-powered archenemy!

Aw, the Hundred!

I don't think he's done a "Miike film" in awhile, has he? For about 9 years or so it's all been remakes or adaptations of manga or tv shows?

It's usually the wrong people killing themselves…

Cause a Bong Joon-Ho Tilda Swinton villain don't stop!

Godfuckindamnit I'm switching to turkey bacon now, aren't i

You're thinking of The Fourteen-Inch Pianist.

But not the cool 40's of jazz and cigarette smoke and dames and rooting out Fifth Columnist saboteurs who've infiltrated the docks!

How long does it take for fat to cook away in the fires of Hell?