thad barkley

Looking at the wiki for this brought me to the wiki for…

There was footage of Huston wearing a mocap suit, so it's probably CGI.

Maybe he didn't buy a set, and made it out of homemade, 3D-printed bricks?

Isn't this how rings get started?

Danny Huston is playing World War One's real big bad -

Chatting about 'peak oil' at a gun show got me a good discount on a couple of rifles from one seller!

> averse to animals suffering

The only thing more awful than 'bathroom police' are 'bathroom vigilantes'

Birmingham's nice.

Seriously - thank you for that. It's only a sliver of hope, but it's hope nonetheless.

I caught the Citrusville reference too. Jughead's going to stumble into the Nexus of All Realities!

Fairuza Balk as Aunt Zelda and Amber Benson as Aunt Hilda!

There were barrels knocked over underneath him. The lids were off, revealing the drugs.

Cheryl's got that Crazy strength, so I'm betting she killed him herself.

That show was so freaking weird.

Oh yeah, War of the Worlds, that's great too I guess.

Am I the only one who doesn't 'get' Ruth Wilson?

Where can I get one of those recliner toilets? If I'm going to be on it for more than a little while, I'd prefer to lean back a bit while I'm waiting for the stomach cramps to pass.

My mom didn't know shows like the Real Housewives existed until we got cable for my parents.