thad barkley

Venoms, not poisons.

> a copy of The Widow's Son

Or a giggly pillowfight!

Exactly! I get all my death threats in the mail, or painted in cat's blood on my windshield! As God intended!

The unhealthy relationship with their fictions is only getting worse for a big ol' swath of the population, isn't it?

Fuck yeah, Sandra!

"Asleep at the Wheel"

Morel, also and more importantly, director of the fantastic B13.

You worthless sacks of fuck. Again, I have to set aside some deeply held beliefs here, but I will actively pray every day that you all suffer before you die.

Luxem….BORG you say?!

How about the black actor playing the 'savage' 'monstrous' character?

It's all done with forced perspective - Lockjaw will be very, very close to the camera.

The diner conversations between Oliver and Rene about the burgers. The moments where you see Oliver about to say something, but think better of it.

That adrenaline moment was great. If only Amell were allowed to have more moments like that as a character.

Hey - you don't *have* to be a train conductor to love killing hobos!

Ah jesus for some reason I was thinking he was feuding with Joyce Carol Oates!

Yeah, we're so used to *seeing* Clarke make these types of decisions that to have it happen off-screen is the core of the viewer's surprise.


> the role of the ninja in modern Japan has become a much more
performative gig

Or so they would have us believe….