thad barkley

And for the first time in my life I give a shit about Broadway!

Pun threads are awful! You're all a bunch of cretans!

Hey guys! Why don't we create an AI to do this for us!

I hope I'm right. But my gut tells me your interpretation is probably correct. And it makes me want to puke.

One of the…(?!) good things (?)…about the Bush/Cheney White House - they would try to get away with stuff by hiding it or covering it up or having lawyers try to exploit some loopholes or find some justification buried in legal jargon. As if they knew it was wrong.

Ever year.

> The trademarks cover businesses including branded spas, massage parlors, golf clubs, hotels, insurance, finance and real estate companies, retail shops, restaurants, bars, and bodyguard and escort services (italics mine)

A lifelong sufferer of chronic dementia - also known as a fucking retardsimpleton.

You're right. Fun is the important part of it - it's about bonding with your child, not creating a tiny version of you.

I'm looking through a hole in the sky
I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie
I'm getting closer to the end of the line
I'm living easy where the sun doesn't shine

Child grows into teen with unhealthy fixation on Elke Sommer.

Exactly! The first time I'd had to move after college he was helping me pack up and started flipping through my records. I was sort of watching him go from blank look to irritated look to blank look again until he got to the Buck Owens and Merle Haggard and Bob Wills stuff. We talked more that trip than at any

Am I the only one who hates parents like this? Who try to get their kids to listen to the bands they like, or watch the movies they like?

You're not a geek until you wear a geeky shirtbite the head off a chicken for money.

Oh that's too bad.

Cut to:

Does he have any children? If not, then maybe your wife can have him declared incompetent some day and do the same to him. But you know, *worse* obviously.

Realized I'd left the ground beef out overnight, so…hamburgers for breakfast and the rest i just dumped outside for the little abandoned cat near my apartment.


Found Rust Cohle!