thad barkley

Nope, because women are just walking uteruses. That's it. That's all.

That 'bunker' was probably just for the cult's whales, and the leader's in a different, *working* bunker surrounded by all of their money and hooked up to tubes and machines.

The nukes fall about 90 years from now (i think), so i keep expecting to see more advanced technology to show up from time to time.

Do we actually *know* that it's a real person, though?

Wasn't she really more a victim of terrorism though?

It's short for 'Speedwell' and the last name's pronounced "Veehd"

I do believe that he's 'famous' among the 'huge following' that he has, which just further reinforces my not-giving-a-shit about most people.

Some of his best employees are the blacks!

That's what I'm really, really hoping for at this point - seeing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid gutted within my lifetime just to see the looks of betrayal on their stupid wrinkled faces and hear about the waves of suicides sweeping retirement communities and assisted living facilities across the country.

Which now that i've thought of it, will probably be a tweet.

"So the nukular code is password1234! That's the same as mine!"

I couldn't find any info on dietary or nutritional content, but these are at least flavored. Kinda 'spensive though.

Jiu Jitsu dudes teaching how to block and lock a Trump handshake -

> they incorrectly thought the internet was full of humans. It’s not.

Be still my dog of war. I understand your pain.

Replace Flo with the T-Mobile Girl and I'll sign up for your goddamn newsletter with cash money.

"I'm dead?"

He was going to take his gun with him to the game. They had just gotten back, so if he'd been carrying he might have been able to save her.

Who of course, turned out to be a rapist and murderer himself, cause McDuffie was sending up the whole 'traumatized vigilante'-'fights monsters/becomes monster' shtick

> the Police detective who had to watch his entire family get raped to death before being raped to death himself