
I don’t agree with your position but I’m not about to try and change your mind. I think addressing the root of why you view this issue the way you do is the only hope of making a difference and I caught something that I think is pretty close to the root.

I hope he gets punished for his actions.

There are two problems.

This news hit me hard when it broke the other night. I was settling into bed—checking Twitter and email on my tablet one last time before giving in to my damnable human husk’s need for sleep —when I came upon all the twitter threads... Being part of the same tight-knit online community almost since its inception, I’ve

Is there a way to report to steamed or kinji corporate about your unethical clickbait titles Nathan?

The giant flood of terrible games was only a problem because games had to be sold as a physical product. Retail stores have a finite amount of space to devote to video games. Compounded by the fact that publishers had to try and predict how many copies would need to press before the game even was released and if they

It’s not similar in any way. Atari were developing low quality games and releasing them, Steam is an open market place that sells games from every developer.

Oh yeah, fuck that guy. This company will do fine without his ass.

Read the linked post that Ethan posted the guy just use apologies as a way to continue to harass his victims. He is basically pulling a sorry / not sorry. Its a total dick move.  

You and not many others. Valve has the benefit of customers being more likely to stick with them since they can’t migrate their games.

I’ll be honest, the only time I’ve ever heard about offensive content on steam is through articles like these. Otherwise, offensive games and groups have not once came up when I was browsing steam.

I don’t agree, but hey, we are allowed to have different views on things.

I think this is a good start to something that can evolve into a great system.

While my gut reaction was I’m glad he’s fully admitting he is at fault and I hope his victims can get the support they deserve, after reading the article?

Same people would be complaining if it was a closed ecosystem, like Apple. There is a price for some level of freedom. I agree, there is a lot more that Steam could do, and one of those things would be to give more power to consumers to “downvote” a game out of existence.

But is it worth it for Yang et al to be able to publish their games on Steam when Valve won’t clean up the rest of it?

This is a thoughtful, well-written article, and I appreciate it. That being said, Valve has repeatedly shown themselves largely incapable of going after games that fail to meet any decent quality metrics, which is the real problem facing the platform. While I have no love for shit like the upcoming AIDs Simulator, I

That’s actually not a consolation at all to the people he harassed. Like I get it, “how brave he isn’t making an excuse” but that in no way covers up how damaging this shit is. Knowing some of the people impacted, I’m pretty furious.

At first, I didn’t understand what you meant, but then I read the article and get it.

I’m obviously rather horrified to hear all this, because I followed the development of Battletech as closely as I could. I can’t help but agree that it’s a step in the right direction, and the fact that it is feels terrible

I hate to say it, but it feels like a sad sort of progress that the dude actually owned what he did.