
In this, you and I can agree wholeheartedly.

My issue is less with the fact that the switch was made (though it bothers me, VA switches are made all the time) than with the incredibly unprofessional and disrespectful way that Kojima handled the switch.

I am, as I said, a huge Kojima fan—but homeboy allowed his Hollywood

MGS 4 had the same VA for Solid Snake, and a different actor for Naked as Naked’s age was exceptionally advanced at the time.

There was no reason to replace Hayter with Sutherland in Ground Zeroes, as Naked’s age would not have advanced sufficiently between MGS 3/Peace Walker and the prologue to MGS V.

Kojima did that

I was initially incensed at the treatment Hayter received for MGS V, but given the way the plot works out, the change made sense.

...that said, Sutherland was more or less absent from the role anyway, so I’m not sure why Kojima felt a need to make the replacement as he did, apart from his star-humping proclivities (and

The worst thing to happen to this world are governments protecting corporations from and at the cost their own people

It already is. They just reclassify the debt as theft and off you go.

See, it pays tape everything. Tape it all and let the tape speak for itself.

Walmart also has about $85 bil in retained earnings. Money that just sits in a vault while their employees struggle to survive. If they paid out just half of that equally to their 2 mil employees it would amount to a $21,000 payment. Or they could prolly just raise prices by 1% and easily be able to afford to pay all

WalMart is well known for being very aggressive in instituting and defending lawsuits.

If this political climate continues, debtor’s prisons and indentured servitude will be ubiquitous. 

Nah, fuckface. The time to have a conversation was at the restaurant - not after she knew her job was on the line.

“So what is it you want to get out of this?” says Pate. “I just wanted to find out because it seems like, you are angry and instead of going back and forth, as two women, we could have a conversation if you don’t mind.”

She was pulling the tired old “I’m sorry YOU feel this way, let me explain what was happening”. Not “I’m sorry I was a giant piece of dogshit”.

I think that’s the address. Two Porsche Drive. Though there’s some kind of Porsche driving course/complex in ATL I think? And maybe it’s in that zone? 

GTFO with this shit.

To paraphrase Pate: “It seemed like the couch was empty, and there was nowhere else to sit.”


“I just wanted to tell you where I was coming from, and then I wanted to see where you were coming from...”

Bottom line, Black Atlanta...Will y’all still go to the Overdrive Lounge at the Solis Two Porsche Drive Hotel (I got winded saying that long ass name shit) and sit on them fart encrusted couches just to say you classy like that? Huh?

An older Asian woman

I don’t understand the relationship of the hotel/lounge and Porsche. Is there some branding synergy or something?