
This article is not normal. It’s like it was written by some brainwashed collectivist who has no idea what they are talking about. This article looks like it was written by a child. But that is the progressive way isn’t it? You don’t get what you want so you cry and threaten violence, while claiming to want peace and

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

If only there was a sports blog this could have been posted to...

Seems more like salt than shade to me.

And yet Battleborn as received three new heroes and three new maps not including all of today’s updates compared to Overwatch’s 1 map and 1 hero. It has taken Overwatch this long for 2 heroes...? See I could do that too. People complain about updates while certain games which have even less content get a free pass

As a rule I don’t go anywhere near Early Access games. The only one I’ve ever bought and not refunded out of disappointment/disgust was KF2, because Tripwire have established that they’re actually competent.

You don’t necessarily need to feel any particular way about it. Basically it’s like this: OpTic’s Halo roster hasn’t performed the way they’ve wanted it to perform for a long time. This most recent roster was basically the worst of them. Optic was probably looking for some substantial changes in order to stay

OG Lara was about being sexy and powerful. Millenial Lara is about suffering through torture porn.

Pathfinder is interesting in that it is a living example of why any RPG’s rule set needs to be rebooted from time to time.

This is why I don’t play PFRPG. Too damn many rules for every corner case. Would much rather have a creative ruling on the spot than have to look this up in a book or fear doing it wrong by not.

LOL. And this....this is why I’ve moved on to other TT rpgs.

While I don’t condone piracy, I also find flaws in the ‘pay the creators!’ argument. I’ve yet to see a single person make that argument who also protests libraries, lending media to friends, and the whole resale market. Those don’t pay the creator.

Considering that the game is set in a time period around the late late 60's early 70's the feminist protests and fire the black police would fit into the scenario, this isn’t a game that is made in 2016 about police in 2016 rather a game made in 2016 about police from another era.

After seein all the developer reactions to MS annoucnement of Scorpio, and how every single one said we are so please with a system that has more power, we always need more power, it is hard to beleive that Nintendo will attract 3rd party unless it is on par with the competition.

potg is one of the worst things ive seen in video games and mind you its such a waste of time waiting for it to load and show up only to see the player died and made postmortem kills. their justification only makes sense to dr steve brule

I’d hazard to guess you’ve never seriously played tf2 competitively.

TF2 has had competitive matches for some time now.

It’s as silly as allowing competitive in a game where you press Q to feel special

You do realize that Blizzard as a independent entity ceased to exist in 1994 when they were acquired by Davidson and Associates?

Ahh, how I miss classic Tomb Raider.