Physical based rendering with poor light mapping. Unfinished or incompetent, take your pick.
Physical based rendering with poor light mapping. Unfinished or incompetent, take your pick.
This article is not normal. It’s like it was written by some brainwashed collectivist who has no idea what they are talking about. This article looks like it was written by a child. But that is the progressive way isn’t it? You don’t get what you want so you cry and threaten violence, while claiming to want peace and…
“I don’t have an argument. I do not have the patience to inform myself on the topic as to understand what is being discussed and why I take my position over the other.”
Per 8 USC §1182, U.S. Code of Law:
Once again this won’t be approved because it challenges the echo chamber’s opinion. Prove me wrong.
S-she didn’t d-do anything w-wrong! R-ight? Hill...yes?
Only a 1% chance to win ;)
There is the same amount of evidence for this yellow journalism as there is for the Russian “hacking” of the election. There is none. This is getting pathetic, throwing tantrums and crying, acting like bigots while claiming the moral high ground. Only 8 years of Obama could have produced the kind of “journalism” we…
I bet this won’t even get approved because contradicting opinions aren’t allowed. Prove me wrong.
Wow he is so smart. Making obvious guesses that require no talent or insight to muster.
Ctr+F bell
This is the real problem. The media and some fans were seething angry when people sexualized Tracer. They said Blizzard was terrible for creating something with sex appeal. That because they made her sexy, that is why people are sexualizing her. One fan created enough of a tizzy about her taunt that Blizzard changed…
This is so fucking ridiculous.
You would get a gold medal if mental gymnastics was an Olympic event.
What is diplomacy?
So like Hillary?