
I’m guessing even if he loses his spot on the team he’ll be forced to retire.

They spent roughly 1000x the time and effort on keeping their old nickname than they did on keeping their women’s hockey program. Priorities!

Either you’re a university administrator here to troll, or you missed the shit out of your calling in life.

Could be first batsmen to be out bbw. Belly before wicket.

Not the Second Doctor’s greatest adversary!!

I’ll be so glad when he’s finally out of office. It impresses me to no end the work that the Sacramento News & Review has done to bring his shady dealings to light.

Someone a little more explosive than Kevin Durant put OKC on the map. I hate myself

I heard a story about her this morning that I wanted to share. She was on a flight seated in the first row, and during takeoff, one of the flight attendants sat across from her in a jump seat. She was crying, and Pat asked her what was wrong, and if she could help. It turns out that the flight attendant as a child was

Geno Auriemma must be super mad that she did something before he could.

I’m not sure which step this is on the way to another military coup in Brazil, but I’m pretty sure it is one of the steps.

As a Minnesotan (which is pretty much Canada anyway), and a die hard hockey fan, this hurts a lot. The Gordie Howe Hat Trick is the greatest feat in sports, and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. I will then need to somehow score a goal, and get an assist, but dammit I’ll do it anyway.

Rep. Martin Daniel:

“He must complete a series of tasks with increasing levels of physical exertion, and he must be determined to be symptom free after each task.”

Him learning Spanish just so he can talk smack to the other players will always rank the highest in my mind.

We knew we were ordering from our local Chinese delivery place too much when they showed up to our new apartment and they a) remarked that we had moved and b) said that our cat had gotten fatter.

Not even the poor man’s Elgin Baylor- lol I love it

Oh believe me, I love Big Z. So it hurts me more than anyone.

Five...ten...what...dollars? I mean someone has to add two whole data elements to the database. A multi billion dollar company definitely cannot handle what I do at my small business in 5 minutes!

As a former Catholic, I'd say that he'd be right there next to them, raising his own black fist into the air.