Amazing how much money the Gov’t is giving away by capping the amount of income taxed for Social Security. He’s paid $7,347 into OASDI this year, and that’s all he’s going to pay. He’s already paid ~3 times that in Pittsburgh Professional Athlete Fees and it’s only two months into the season.
I have no problems with this at all, but I’m not surprised that some of the public does. Outraged people be outraged, man. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They could have at least hollowed them out so Cubs fans could piss in them.
Justin’s brother, 18, had sex with another girl at the house, just 14.
Since when are all former NFLers incapable of holding another job?
If so, he certainly had reason to believe there was an imminent threat.
What about fat people who spill over into adjoining seats?
Starlin Castro messed around with teammate Kris Bryant on a routine grounder in last night’s game. The shortstop…
Hearing “SEC” uttered, Dan Gilbert immediately bolted from Quicken Loans Arena.
He did do something. He conspired to kidnap and murder a woman.
Except he kinda did. He used his police powers to look-up personal information and addresses of women. This goes into it more:… . I get not prosecuting people for fantasy, but feel that abuse of powers to aid in gathering personal information combined with searches on how to make and…
Regarding that “God *will* judge”. Here’s a copy paste from to-know-javale post on Gawker’s post on this issue.
When asked for comment, Mayweather said he didn’t understand what all the fuss was about — he’s completely comfortable fighting someone who can’t punch back.