Tony Gunk

I think someone should be fired. I mean, you’ve got someone offering proof that you were falsely charging someone and instead of spending the minute and a half it would take to clear the person, you just say, “Nah, I’m right?” That type of person should not have the authority to put anyone in handcuffs.

So this is all it takes to get justice in America these days. (The random act of luck that someone records your false arrest) + (that person not being too apathetic to point out their proof of your false arrest) + (viral news story following up until the police cannot blatantly ignore their mistake) = justice. Yay!

Not really “craziest thing I’ve done for a game,” but craziest experience I’ve had involving a game was way back when I used to play Asheron’s Call. I went off to college (2000) and discovered I didn’t have time to play anymore. Figured being a broke student, I’d sell my account on ebay hoping to get a couple of

I’m shocked there isn’t a crowd-sourced fundraiser going for her already. Or does that only happen after she’s disciplined? But that discipline would only happen north of the Mason Dixon, right? Blast, I’ve gone full circle and now know why there is no fundraiser going for her.

We all know what she really meant when she said “devil”

Did the Patriots not fully cooperate? I ask this as a serious question, not snark, as I thought they handed over all employee phones and everything they were asked for. They couldn’t force Brady to give up his personal records, so I’m unsure what more they could have done.

I don’t know. Considering the shitty sketches they’ve been putting out for the past few years, I’d be shocked to learn that they haven’t been looking around for ideas to steal for a laugh.

Once again, the police response is to immediately begin covering their asses instead of attempting to remedy the situation.

Our magic window is right around 5pm, assuming I’m able to leave early from work to make it. Why? Because our son is in an after-school program until 6pm, which means it’s practically the only window when we’re guaranteed not to have a little 5 year old pounding on our bedroom door. Otherwise around 10:30pm or so was

Now playing

If this video is correct, I assume he means he grasps the booty in this claws and, with quick, precise bites, proceeds to eat said booty.

Well it’s not like they’re only running anti-manspreading ads. There are ones specifically mentioning things like backpacks, hygiene and grooming, music, leaning on poles and all that stuff. So I think the campaign IS an attempt to improve etiquette as a whole.

As a big person myself (ok, I’ll say it, fairly fat), there are certain self imposed rules that non-jerk fat people follow. The biggest (heh) is to not wedge myself into a seat between people if there clearly isn’t room to do so without being all up on other riders. I feel doing so would be equivalent to manspreading.

Then for the counterpoint, you get the ESPN Patriot’s reporter Mike Reiss who looks at the report and is all, “Nah. Nothing to see here.”

I’d be curious as to the age demographics of current subscribers. When WoW first came out, I was fresh out of college and all over it not only because it offered a great experience, but because I grew up on the Warcraft franchise. I believe Orcs vs. Humans was the first game I purchased with my own money. I suspect a

So was this made by the high school AV club or something? That is the best production value an NBA team can afford?

And of course this news was met by the stock going up 10% in after-hours trading.

I was all about the dealer until he called the dude a “retard.”

G.I. Joes and Ninja Turtles. (Are those still popular??)

I’m just tired of every fucking thing that happens having “gate” slapped at the end of it.

Good thing they got in touch with the police. Seeing as he was about to force her to consume Pizza Hut, it’s obvious he was escalating things from “hostage situation” to outright torture.