I was reading a thing, might have been on Buzzfeed where a female political aide had to explain to her boss (adult male, married to an actual woman) that women couldn't just choose to turn menstruation on and off like a tap.
I was reading a thing, might have been on Buzzfeed where a female political aide had to explain to her boss (adult male, married to an actual woman) that women couldn't just choose to turn menstruation on and off like a tap.
Paranoid means “irrational”. This is an smaller-percentage-risk issue that is both plausible and rational. That it does not ALWAYS happen does not make being concerned about it “irrational”.
Most guns with hair triggers don't kill people so I think I'll stand here with one held to my head and shake it randomly. That's worth the risk!
It's as though no woman could ever just...not...wear...cosmetics. Or perfume. Even if this is true. Which I'm not convinced it is. I'll be over here, lying down in the fetal position....
I hate religion so much but every time I see those pictures from Egypt I feel a little more hopeful about humanity.
TMI, sorry, deleted
My best friend and I met because we were in love with the same guy. He picked her. They broke up a while back.
She was the one who thought elephants were the same as dinosaurs.
I’m a 43 yr old fully employed professional in law enforcement. I’m also a massive geek with encyclopedic knowledge of Marvel comics, Speculative Fiction literature and movies and a bunch of different science/math/engineering topics. That stuff is what I used to be reticent about. It’s cool these days.
I always enjoyed the “If is doesn’t have a price on it is it free? when I was assistant manager of a book store.
Work in law enforcement for five minutes, that'll cure you.
Snort, I get “Wow, you look like a girl!” when I emerge from the change room at the MMA gym in my summer dress.
Normally I am never on the ball for these things but that was literally the first thing I thought when I read this. You want to fuck your grandma?
Bullshit. I work in policing and stoners—yes, doing nothing but weed—get violent all the time. It's a psychotropic drug, it will affect people differently. The 'stoners are all mellow' myth is not true.
Exactly. Well said. I am not objective at all and the whole narrative is terrifying for everyone...and yet I feel the rage and pain and fear from the black community in particular is totally justified and heart-breaking and shameful to our society as a whole. So I have no sides I can support fully other than “Let’s…
Sorry, I should also make it clear I’m not out in the streets, I’m support so I see everything but I don’t even have to deal with the physical reactions/incidents. Except during riots and then I nearly have a panic attack every time I hear someone I cared about on the radio.
I appreciate that. I’m pretty good with releasing stuff...I have good support and outlets. Frankly, part of my anger lately has been from watching the narrative of “cops are evil fascists” being propped up by the bastards in uniform who are murdering people. Those aren’t real cops to me; those guys/girls are worse…
Actually, if you can't leave stuff at work I think it makes you the most crazy. You have to have a method for letting go, support, hobbies or if you're a decent person you go super crazy or become horrible and jaded and bad at your job.