He used to train in San Francisco (maybe still does) and would do shit like this constantly. Picking fights, being a total cock and bullying randos in bars. He’s a trash human.
He used to train in San Francisco (maybe still does) and would do shit like this constantly. Picking fights, being a total cock and bullying randos in bars. He’s a trash human.
Not being an asshole should be its own incentive, but seeing it become expensive is really satisfying.
God I wish Marchman would publish more, that was Craggsian.
That ‘dressage’ bit was quite the bon mot.
“Caruana’s coming chronometrical catastrophe created a calamitous climate.” You magnificent bastard.
Every time someone wants to make fun of Al Gore they should think of George W. Bush and his merry band of torturers and put their anger and mockery in the proper place; the inability to take him a little bit seriously has put us on a darker timeline.
That’s Arabic.
I got to see an advance screening in OAK, it will be worth the trip, do it.
Yeah, how many genuinely intelligent people with good taste have you met in your life? How many of them have time for Yelp?
Hummus comes from the Arabs who have multiple ‘h’ sounds (though any people in the East Med should go ahead and claim it at this point), this word takes the hard H and it doesn’t really work in English (the hard ‘s’ as well), this was one of the hardest things for me to learn to do when I first started studying it.…
I live on the other side of Lake Merritt from the proposed site and had planned to spend the afternoons of game days shocking drunk A’s fans with a cattle prod when they fucked the neighborhood up 80 days a year dumping trash in the lake and pissing on everything. Please no. Jack London Square is a much better choice.
A lot of these shows are written/recorded during the day, I wonder if there will be a bit more coverage tonight, hopefully less jokey and dismissive.
I saw this yesterday and it is hackneyed and awful (especially the corny narrations), but the Ty Swindell scenes killed me. I would not recommend anyone ever watch this.
There may be some correlation between scumbags who assault and harass people and those lacking sufficient capacity for empathy and remorse to sincerely apologize.
I’d be curious to hear from other readers who were vets what service and unit types they were in that observed this. I was active duty Navy and you would have been at least ostracized and probably gotten your ass kicked for this shit in any unit I was in.
It would have been nice to see this record broken by something as elevated as The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
I’ve lived here for 12 years and I still get a semi any time a drive over or sail under the thing, the new western span of the BB too.
An important distinction, to be sure.
Probably should be some domestic terrorism charges as well.