
These reminded me of a favourite of mine, “Before enlightenment, draw water, chop wood; after enlightenment, draw water, chop wood.”

Biffles. That’s new to me, and stolen. Thanks!

Sharp Tank

Just to pick a different nit, that last graph should be a bar graph, not a line.

I use Swype on my phone, but Keymonk on my Nexus 7. Swype does apostrophes and prediction better, but Keymonk's "flick on one of five directions" lets you use the period key for different punctuation. Once you get used to it, it's totally natural.

you trash talking me?

Did you build an asylum to put the world in?

While sternum straps help shoulder strain, the deal breaker for me is hip straps. I'll never buy a backpack without one.

Did you hide it up your ass in the POW camp?

I'm with ya! Anybody who doubts, read "Stupid White Men."

True. She may have her faults, but dive? Never,

Weirdly, our socialist, monopoly, crown Corp Sasktel gives us REAL unlimited data, (okay, they do selectively throttle after 10 gigs a month) and no extra charge for hotspot. Hard to complain, even at $60 /month or so.

The fact that people wouldn't get it IS the problem! :)

The fact thatpeople won't get it IS

What are their weapons?

As a teacher it's the best PD tool there is.

Yeah, the ones with the slanted ports sucked. After a few seconds you'd have your hear on the desk, trying to see the hole.

The first one. Devil's horns FTW! (Remember when FTW was cool?)

The first one. Devil's horns FTW! (Remember when FTW was cool?)

The first one. Devil's horns FTW! (Remember when FTW was cool?)