
All the Dell ones our school division bought have two on the backside. I never use them, but there they are.

Box? There's a box? What box?

"Marry, sir, they have committed false report;

Excellent point.

Is that picture the next Android update?

I use it similarly, but with only my forefinger, mainly. Although I sometimes use my thumb when using it one-handed.

Congrats! I wish I could lose 10!

The actual article needs to be edited. It still says KMPlayer near the end of the article. ("The Competition" section.) #corrections

Agreed. Now I believe the world will end in 2012!

It's pining for the fjords.

And necessary. Thank you.

While I like FBReader a lot, Aldiko wins for Calibre support, for me. Add the Calibre server to your libraries, and you have wifi access to all the books you want, saved on your desktop computer, were you can switch formats as you please.

I have a friend that turns his beer can tabs right around, to prevent someone at party's from spiking his drink. Or so he says.

Beer through a straw foams like crazy. Don't ask how I know.

I want the new Swype. Which, if you have Swype OEM, (like my Sasktel SGS II) you can't install and have to wait for Samsung to push out a OEM firmware update, if I understand correctly. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.

The expensive ones are zeros?

It would have to be Marvin, then. "Life, don't go on to me about life..." (IIRC)

"Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

I drink a lot. Out of anything.

"Impacts" as a verb. As in, "This impacts morale." I've been known to yell, "Affects!" at my radio.