
If someone walked through that door, you'd think that they were a floating head!

I think you just invented a new Lifehacker series/column/whatever. Lazyhacker, for those of us who love Lifehacker, but are too lazy to actually do most of the stuff! Editors, get on this! :) ('Cause I won't, too lazy.)

One of the main reasons I never switched from FoxIt to Sumatra is that very same "horrific eye-searing yellow." Opened it once, and said, "Why switch?"

Ever figure out how to count to Windows 7? I go 3.x, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, unless they went the NT route (??? 3.x, 2000, XP, Vista, 7?) (And Vista is equal to 0, mathematically.)


Yeah! (I miss Gina, no offense or criticism intended, boys.)

Face slap.

@DH405: I imagine that's 300lbs per. 1200 should hold most couples and their bed. Of course, if there's three or more...

I tried using a standing desk for a while (actually a lab bench,) and I found that a height that was comfortable to type was low to use a mouse on. Anybody else?

@HunterShoptaw: I know, (or did, anyway, at one point) I just like how it sounds. Should have use a smiley or some such. And since you brought it up... :)

Wall clock. 11:57 doesn't seem like 3 minutes to 12.

@Zundfolge: The Regina Liar-Pest on Lifehacker? Awesome.

@HunterShoptaw: Including (speaking as a part-time rookie computer tech) being too ignorant to know that you can't run multiple anti-virii.

@Matt Mazzola: I always assume someone with all white (or brushed chrome) to be an Apple fanboy.

@jupigare: I got a rush just THINKING of that!

@wjbean: Our schools first computers were a couple of these, with cassettes. You could play Snake!

Any other geeks see "Runekeeper?"